Being Well Podcast
There’s a lot of information out there about mental health.
Much of it isn’t very good. We’re trying to fix that.
The Being Well Podcast explores the challenging parts of being human.
Based on Dr. Rick Hanson‘s 45+ years of helping people, and alongside an amazing group of expert guests, Rick and Forrest Hanson have helped hundreds of thousands of people learn the best lessons from clinical psychology, contemplative practice, and many lifetimes of experience.
Being Well has been downloaded over 15 million times, and is one of the top mental health podcasts in the world. Listen on iTunes, or through your favorite podcasting app.
Recent Episodes
Being Well Podcast: Choosing The Roles We Play in Life
We explore the various roles we play in life, how we select our roles, how familiar roles can keep us trapped in old patterns, enactments and triangulation, and how we can exit unhealthy systems.
Being Well Podcast: Authentically Developing Self-Worth
We talk about self-worth vs. self-esteem, what causes people to lack self-worth, Rick’s personal story of developing a true sense of self-worth, and why more self-worth probably won’t turn you into a narcissistic a**hole.
Being Well Podcast: Deepening Practice, Embracing Growth, and Becoming Lighter with Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo joins Forrest to explore how we can enrich our personal practice, refine the mind, break old patterns, relax the self, and feel lighter than we were before.
Being Well Podcast: How to Forgive Yourself
We explore forgiveness, including common myths and misunderstandings about forgiveness, the difference between healthy and unhealthy remorse, coming to terms with what we’ve done, and achieving (self-)forgiveness.
Being Well Podcast: Evolving Our Approach to Treating Trauma with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
We explore with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk how trauma keeps us stuck, and how we can use imagination, self-expression, and creativity to break away from those old patterns.
Being Well Podcast: Changing Old Patterns, Using Psychedelics Thoughtfully, and Exploring Human Nature: October Mailbag
Rick and Forrest answer questions from listeners, including what they’re still working on in their relationship, how we can disengage from obsessive thoughts and old patterns, Rick’s thoughts on psychedelics and how they can be used with discernment, and their views on whether human nature is innately cooperative or competitive.
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