Meditation + Talk: Dealing with Worries and Releasing Anxiety
In this meditation, talk, and discussion from the Wednesday Night Meditation series, we start with a 45-minute meditation in Releasing Anxiety, Finding Peace. Then, as this is a time of much concern, Rick offers a talk on Dealing with Worries.
How to Calm Anxiety
These days many people are experiencing more anxiety than ever. Here are a few of Rick Hanson’s best practices for calming and soothing fear and anxiety.

Lower the Pressure
The pressure activates motivational circuits but has inherent collateral damage. Pressure activates ancient motivational circuits that were very effective in keeping our ancestors alive but even at best, there is an inherent collateral damage.

Being Well Podcast: Being a Better Friend to Yourself
Explore how to balance constructive and harmful self-criticism, move away from our “act,” embrace change, manage feelings of worthlessness, and ultimately be a good friend to ourselves.

Meditation + Talk: Love and Anger in the Time of Corona
Learn how to deal with anger during challenging times and rest at peace in a radiant heart. This is a talk and meditation from Dr. Rick Hanson’s Wednesday Meditation series.

Being Well Podcast: The Gift of Presence
Caroline Welch joins the podcast to help us explore the role of mindfulness in our everyday lives, and how presence can be a particularly valuable tool for women.

Meditation + Talk: 3 Ways to Deal With Hard Times
In this meditation, talk and discussion we start with a 45-minute meditation in Grounding in Openhearted Peacefulness. Then, with many concerned about the current Coronavirus pandemic and uncertainty, stress, and anxiety surrounding it, I share three ways for dealing with hard times.
Being Resilient During Coronavirus
During times like this – with a pandemic such as the Coronavirus – it’s natural to feel afraid, anxious, or threatened. But being consumed by fear causes wear and tear on the body, which actually undermines your safety. Here you’ll find suggestions and resources for how to stay calm and be effective during this challenging time.

Being Well Podcast: Fear in the Time of Coronavirus
On today’s episode we explore how we can cope with the natural fears that arise during challenging times, the difference between useful and harmful anxiety, and how to grow the inner strengths we need to thrive when things get tough.
A Meditation for Feeling As Safe As You Reasonably Can
During times like this, it’s natural to feel afraid, stressed, threatened, or anxious – but being consumed by fear causes wear and tear on the body, which actually undermines your safety. That’s why it’s very important to be able to find a place inside that feels calm and strong. And one of the best ways to do this is to notice that you’re alright, right now – which we’ll explore in this 5-minute meditation.