Make The Offering

Make The Offering

Try considering your contributions as offerings, particularly the little things. Listen to your heart for offerings calling to be expressed. Maybe it’s the offering of never speaking out of anger, or really starting that novel, or determining to give love each day.

Neurodharma Giveaway!

Be one of the first to read my new book Neurodharma AND get free copies of Hardwiring Happiness and Resilient! Sign up to win by April 13!

Lower the Pressure

Lower the Pressure

The pressure activates motivational circuits but has inherent collateral damage. Pressure activates ancient motivational circuits that were very effective in keeping our ancestors alive but even at best, there is an inherent collateral damage.

Being Resilient During Coronavirus

During times like this – with a pandemic such as the Coronavirus – it’s natural to feel afraid, anxious, or threatened. But being consumed by fear causes wear and tear on the body, which actually undermines your safety. Here you’ll find suggestions and resources for how to stay calm and be effective during this challenging time. 

A Meditation for Feeling As Safe As You Reasonably Can

During times like this, it’s natural to feel afraid, stressed, threatened, or anxious – but being consumed by fear causes wear and tear on the body, which actually undermines your safety. That’s why it’s very important to be able to find a place inside that feels calm and strong. And one of the best ways to do this is to notice that you’re alright, right now – which we’ll explore in this 5-minute meditation.