Being Well Podcast: How to Become Psychologically Flexible (from formerly rigid people)

Being Well Podcast: How to Become Psychologically Flexible (from formerly rigid people)

Just like how physical flexibility is the amount of stretch in our muscles, the ability they have to bend without breaking, psychological flexibility is the same quality in our minds. It helps us look at situations in new lights, be open to our emotions, let go of old versions of ourselves, and step into new ways of being.

Being Well Podcast: Stephanie Foo: Complex PTSD and Learning to Live With the Past

Being Well Podcast: Stephanie Foo: Complex PTSD and Learning to Live With the Past

One of the most fascinating aspects of the mind is how most of what’s going on in it lies outside of our awareness. In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Forrest and Dr. Rick explore the unconscious mind and the material we might find there. They talk about what the unconscious mind is, the purpose of the unconscious, repression, and what we can do to access, use, and release that unconscious material.

Suffering and Happiness

Suffering and Happiness

Blasting another person with anger is like throwing hot coals with bare hands: both people get burned. Speak calmly and from your heart, even when wronged.