
Being Well Podcast Episodes on:

Negativity Bias


Being Well Podcast: Cognitive Bypassing: How to Get Out of Your Head

Being Well Podcast: Cognitive Bypassing: How to Get Out of Your Head

Cognitive bypassing occurs when we overthink to avoid feeling uncomfortable emotions like sadness, fear, or anger. In this episode, Forrest and Dr. Rick share their personal experiences with cognitive bypassing, and explore how we can step out of our heads, get in touch with our emotions, and live a more fulfilling life.

Being Well Podcast: Why Don’t We Get Better?

Being Well Podcast: Why Don’t We Get Better?

Forrest and Dr. Rick explore why we struggle to change that which matters most to us, how much change is realistically possible, what makes real change hard, the hidden barriers to lasting change, and what we can do about them.

Being Well Podcast: How to Make Learning STICK

Being Well Podcast: How to Make Learning STICK

We dive into Rick’s recently published study on our capacity for deliberate growth. We talk a bit about the neurological components of learning, how the study worked, and what the practical takeaways are to help us make learning stick.

Being Well Podcast

There’s a lot of information out there about mental health.
Much of it isn’t very good.
We’re trying to fix that.

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