Being Well Podcast: How to Have Great Relationships – Attachment and the Self
We all want great relationships – ones that are fulfilling, loving, stable, and fun. This is the first of two episodes focused on becoming a ‘great relater.’ Today Forrest and I focus on understanding our individual attachment style, and how we can work through our personal material.

Meditation + Talk: The Freedom from Suffering in the Buddha’s Central Insight
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on The Freedom from Suffering in the Buddha’s Central Insight, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

Make Good Bargains
Life is full of tradeoffs between benefits and costs. Sometimes the rewards of going for a run, getting fresh air, and improving health may be worth the cost of losing half an hour of work time while gaining a pair of achy legs.

Being Well Podcast: The Pitfalls of Self-Help: Comparison and The Secret
In the second episode related to the pitfalls of self-help, we explore how individuals and environments can manipulate others by making them feel like something is wrong with them.

Meditation + Talk: Your Life’s Journey – and Lessons from the Buddha’s Own Journey
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Your Life’s Journey – and Lessons from the Buddha’s Own Journey, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

Being Well Podcast: Polyvagal Theory with Stephen Porges
Dr. Stephen Porges joins Forrest and me to explore his Polyvagal Theory, which explains how we can use the systems of the body to completely change our relationship with stress.

Meditation + Talk: Finding Refuge in Positive Qualities We Internalize from Others
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Finding Refuge in Positive Qualities We Internalize from Others, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

See Good Intentions
By recognizing positive intentions we feel safer, supported, and happier. You have to actively look for good intentions. The practice of looking for good intentions may make you happier, and give you a stronger sense of our common humanity.

Being Well Podcast: The Dark Side of Self-Help: Forced Positivity
Do self-help environments force us into inauthentic happiness? And how can we move away from the false front, and into more authentic expression? Today is the first of a series of conversations with Forrest dedicated to some of the self-help community’s pitfalls.
Practicing Gratitude
When we’re faced with negative challenges, it’s natural for our brains to focus heavily on them. When we find ourselves consumed with the negative we’re experiencing, it’s helpful to remind yourself of the positive aspects in your life. Gratitude makes us resilient.