Meditation + Talk: Cultivating a Wholehearted Practice
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison covered the topic of Cultivating a Wholehearted Practice.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Sensei Koshin Paley Ellison covered the topic of Cultivating a Wholehearted Practice.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on Is Life Suffering?
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on The Simple Power of Widening Your View.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on The Essence of Mindfulness, the Foundation of All Inner Practice.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on Appreciating the Many Kinds of Diversity, Including Inside Yourself.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Lakiba Pittman offered a guided meditation and talk on The Multifaceted Powers of Mindfulness and Compassion Practices, which included a Q&A and discussion.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on Self-Reliance.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on What Were You Like When You Were 9 Years Old?
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on What Do You Do When You Meditate?
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on Handling Conflicts by Getting under the Surface in Yourself and Others..
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on What to Do when They Get Triggered.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on What to Do when You Get Triggered.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on The Living Heart of Compassion.
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on The Essence of Practice in Three Breaths.