by Rick Hanson | Dec 31, 2024 | Blog, Interpersonal Skills, Just One Thing
Get beyond the hassle and bad feelings by admitting fault. Remind yourself how it’s in your own best interest to admit fault and move on. It takes a strong person to admit fault, and it puts us in a stronger position with others.
by Rick Hanson | Aug 6, 2024 | Blog, Just One Thing, Open to Wisdom
Wherever you find stillness enjoy it and let it feed you. Stillness is a source of clarity and peace. In stillness, you can find a refuge and some quiet amidst the noise. Give yourself the space, the permission, to be still in your mind.
by Rick Hanson | Jan 2, 2024 | Acting Skillfully, Blog, Just One Thing
What’s the light that will guide you out of your own tangled woods – both the woods “out there” in the world and the ones “in here,” in your own mind?
by Rick Hanson | Jun 12, 2023 | Articles, Blog
What an incredible opportunity it is to have a life. At all. To fulfill that opportunity, we need a fundamental orientation inside that treats our life as if it matters. As if our happiness is important, as if being mistreated is not alright, as if we deserve the same...
by Rick Hanson | Sep 27, 2022 | Blog, Just One Thing, Receive the Gifts
The more you feel supported by the people that care about you, by the natural world, and by your own capabilities, the better you’ll feel. Plus your load won’t seem so heavy, and you’ll be more able to carry it. By focusing on the support that truly does exist for you, you can have a sense of ease, relief, calming, or happiness.
by Rick Hanson | Mar 21, 2022 | Being Well Podcast, Negativity Bias
Forrest and I consider the human tendency to return to the same basic level of happiness regardless of recent positive or negative experiences – also known as hedonic adaptation – and how to contend with it so we can get off the hedonic treadmill.
by Rick Hanson | Nov 9, 2020 | Anxiety and Fear, Being Well Podcast
If you live in the United States – and probably for many people who don’t – it’s been a bit of a stressful week. Today Forrest and I talk about relaxing anxiety, weathering the storm, and taking in the year as a whole.
by Rick Hanson | Sep 29, 2020 | Blog, Interpersonal Skills, Just One Thing
Goodwill and ill will are about intention: the will is for good or ill. Ill will creates negative, vicious cycles. But that means that good will can create positive cycles. Plus good will cultivates wholesome qualities in you.
by Rick Hanson | Sep 21, 2020 | Anger, Being Well Podcast
On today’s episode of @beingwellpodcast, Forrest and I explore how we maintain contentment, calm, or inner peace, while still aiming high, pursuing good goals, and experiencing natural frustration and anger. We also take a look at some provocative questions, like is contentment even a good goal when there’s so much injustice out in the world?
by Rick Hanson | Sep 14, 2020 | Achieving Your Goals, Being Well Podcast, Guest Experts, Who am I?
How can we find happiness even when times are challenging? Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar joins Forrest and me to explore authentic happiness, accepting difficult emotions, and giving yourself permission to be human.
by Rick Hanson | Jul 13, 2020 | Achieving Your Goals, Being Well Podcast, Who am I?
Do self-help environments force us into inauthentic happiness? And how can we move away from the false front, and into more authentic expression? Today is the first of a series of conversations with Forrest dedicated to some of the self-help community’s pitfalls.
by Rick Hanson | May 18, 2020 | Achieving Your Goals, Being Well Podcast, Depression and Sadness, Guest Experts
On this week’s episode, Dr. Laurie Santos joins Forrest and me to share what science says about how we can maintain our well-being during this difficult time.
by Rick Hanson | Apr 27, 2020 | Being Well Podcast, Mindfulness and Meditation, Who am I?
What are the “heights of human potential,” and why should we aim for them when simply surviving the here-and-now already feels so challenging? That’s one of the many topics we explore on this episode.
by Rick Hanson | Apr 20, 2020 | Being Well Podcast, Mindfulness and Meditation
Throughout history people have sought the heights of human potential – to become as wise, strong, happy, and loving as any person can ever be. Science is now revealing how these remarkable ways of being seem to be based on equally remarkable changes in our own nervous system.
by Rick Hanson | Jan 14, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Receive the Gifts
What’s the spark and what’s the fuel? Welcome joy. Positive emotions – such as feelings of gratitude, love, and confidence – strengthen the immune system, protect the heart against loss and trauma, build relationships, increase resilience