Dr. Rick and Forrest open up the mailbag and answer questions from listeners, many of which focused on anxiety experiences and when our worst fears come true.
Being Well Podcast Episodes on:
Anxiety and Fear
Being Well Podcast: Letting Go: Rumination, Breakups, and How to Stop Feeling Attached
In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Forrest and Dr. Rick focus on one of life’s most challenging but essential skills – letting go.
Being Well Podcast: Healing Attachment Wounds with Elizabeth Ferreira
Somatic therapist Elizabeth Ferreira joins the show to help us understand ways of healing attachment wounds and developing more secure forms of relating.
Being Well Podcast: Working with Your Parts: Complex PTSD, Dissociation, and Hypervigilance with Elizabeth Ferreira
Somatic therapist Elizabeth Ferreira joins Forrest to discuss complex PTSD, dissociation, and working with challenging emotions.
Being Well Podcast: Anxious and Avoidant in Relationship: The Pursuer-Distancer Dynamic
Dr. Rick and Forrest explore why we’re drawn to people who activate our insecurities, how anxiety manifests differently in those with anxious and avoidant attachment styles, and what we can all do to work with our natural tendencies more skillfully.
Being Well Podcast: Now What? What to Do When Things Fall Apart
Forrest and Dr. Rick explore a practical framework for navigating life’s most challenging transitions, including what to do when things fall apart.
Being Well Podcast: How to Make Good Choices: A System for Decision Making
Forrest and Rick Hanson explore how to make good choices by developing a reliable system for making choices that aligns with your values and goals.
Being Well Podcast: Rethinking Productivity with Cal Newport
Cal Newport joins the podcast to explore slow productivity, deep work, and how we can achieve more by doing less.
Being Well Podcast: Relationship Mailbag: Finding Yourself, Boundaries, and Attachment
Dr. Rick and Forrest answer listener questions focused on navigating relationship challenges, including distinguishing between healthy/unhealthy desires and finding yourself after a breakup.
Being Well Podcast: The Anxiety Toolkit: How to Tolerate Uncertainty with Joshua Fletcher
Psychotherapist Joshua Fletcher joins Forrest for an in-depth exploration of anxiety and how to tolerate uncertainty.
Being Well Podcast
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Much of it isn’t very good.
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