Being Well Podcast
There’s a lot of information out there about mental health.
Much of it isn’t very good. We’re trying to fix that.
The Being Well Podcast explores the challenging parts of being human.
Based on Dr. Rick Hanson‘s 45+ years of helping people, and alongside an amazing group of expert guests, Rick and Forrest Hanson have helped hundreds of thousands of people learn the best lessons from clinical psychology, contemplative practice, and many lifetimes of experience.
Being Well has been downloaded over 15 million times, and is one of the top mental health podcasts in the world. Listen on iTunes, or through your favorite podcasting app.
Recent Episodes
Being Well Podcast: Intimacy and Autonomy
Learn about Intimacy, focusing on how to balance two seemingly conflicting goals: maintaining our independence from other people while also forging emotionally intimate relationships with them.
Being Well Podcast: Pursuing Your Goals
Forrest Hanson interviews Dr. Rick Hanson about his personal story of motivation – including how to transform from someone who lacks a natural feeling of motivation to someone who can diligently pursue their goals.
Being Well Podcast: Motivating Yourself
Learn a key aspect of motivation: how we can incline our minds to break bad habits, and want the things that are good for it.
Being Well Podcast: Passion and Stress
In this episode, we cover the topic of motivation and how to pursue goals in healthy ways – with dedication, assertiveness, enthusiasm – while avoiding an unhealthy and overactive sense of passion – with pressure, irritation, anxiety, frustration, and anger.
Being Well Podcast: Liking Without Wanting
Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest begin the strength of Motivation with an episode that explores how we can pursue our goals with passion and purpose, without becoming painfully attached to them.
Being Well Podcast: 7 Ways Past Anger
Dr. Rick Hanson and Forrest conclude the strength of Calm with an episode dedicated to exploring seven ways we can work with anger skillfully.
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