Being Well Podcast: Discovering Your Attachment Style
In this episode, Forrest and Dr. Jennie Rosier explore what attachment theory is, how we can identify our attachment style, and what we can do to build a healthier relationship with our own style and that of others.
Being Well Podcast: Stop Sabotaging Yourself
We all have something we KNOW we should do…but that doesn’t mean we actually do it. On this episode of Being Well, Forrest, Dr. Judy Ho, and I explore the roots of self-sabotage, the four key elements that fuel self-sabotaging behavior, and how we can use tools from cognitive therapy to overcome those behaviors.
Being Well Podcast: Managing Bipolar Disorder
This episode explores some tools and strategies that people with bipoloar disorder can use to help themselves or their loved ones manage symptoms.
Being Well Podcast: Everything is Figureoutable with Marie Forleo
On today’s episode of the podcast, Marie Forleo, named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, explains how we can build a “figureoutable” mindset that allows us to meet our challenges from a place of determination, ingenuity, and open heartedness.
Being Well Podcast: Understanding Bipolar Disorder
On this episode we focus on a subset of the depressed mood states including bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depressive.
Being Well Podcast: How to Deal with a Narcissist with Ramani Durvasula
On this episode, we speak with a true expert on many of the topics we’ve explored during our series on “Who Am I?”, including borderline personality disorder, sociopathy, and narcissism: Dr. Ramani Durvasula.
Being Well Podcast: Overcoming a Depressed Mood
In this second part on depression and depressed mood, we turn our focus onto some of the tactics and strategies people can use, both in their own mind and out in the world, to help manage a depressed mood.
Being Well Podcast: Understanding Depression and Depressed Mood
Today’s episode explores what depression is, where it comes from, and how it differs from sadness.
Being Well Podcast: On Death and Dying with Roshi Joan Halifax
There is no more human experience than death. Learn from a true pioneer in the field of end-of-life care: Roshi Joan Halifax.
Being Well Podcast: Mailbag: Building a Strong Relationship with Ourselves
We explore a few questions that have to do with managing our relationship with ourselves, and particularly our tendency toward self-criticism.