Being Well Podcast: Repairing Relationships
At even the best of times, our relationships require a natural process of correction – let’s call it repair – to clear up little misunderstandings and ease points of friction. More seriously, you may need to work through conflicts, reestablish trust, or change aspects of a relationship.
A Father’s Story
There are gains and losses for both parents in the arrival of their child. This article is a summary of the process and some suggestions for what a father or partner can do.
Being Well Podcast: How To Assert Yourself Effectively
In this episode, we cover the importance of asserting ourselves in relationships, and how to do that with empathy and strength.
Making It Work to Stay Home from Work
This is a brief summary of suggestions to bring some of the social aspects back in to life after having a child.
Resilient (Talk at Google)
A talk based on Dr. Hanson’s book “Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness.”
Being Well Podcast: Speaking From the Heart
Learn the dangers of important things that are left unsaid, and how to express those undelivered communications with kindness and skill.
5 Keys to Settling Marital Conflict
Sleep deprivation, little time for oneself, feeling let down, vicious cycles of finger-pointing, the in-laws and more are all causes for marital conflict. Here we present five key methods to solve these problems – and maintain an intact family in which to raise precious children.
The Real Gift of Parenting
When you relax a bit and come back to yourself, the true gifts of parenting come back to mind, the ones that go deeper than giving our kids toys and games.
Being Well Podcast: When Others are Undependable
Today we have a special episode for you concluding the strength of Intimacy.
Translating Mom-Speak and Dad-Speak
In relationships, women generally tend to focus on feeling connected, while men are sensitive to status and dominance. Each gender style is valid and skill with the other gender’s style lets you shift gears effectively, depending on what’s needed.