Meditation + Talk: The Emptiness of Interpersonal Upsets
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on The Emptiness of Interpersonal Upsets, including a Q&A and discussion.
Drop the Stone
Are you lugging around a needless burden? Carrying an unnecessary load can be stressful and harmful. Instead, it’s OK to drop the load and let go of repetitive preoccupations.
Being Well Podcast: Unwinding Anxiety and Addiction with Dr. Jud Brewer
Dr. Jud Brewer joins us to explore the habit of anxiety, mindfulness practices to heal addiction, and what we can learn from the brains of the world’s most advanced meditators.
Meditation + Talk: Taking Life Less Personally
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on Taking Life Less Personally, including a Q&A and discussion.
Being Well Podcast: Self-Help’s Biggest Misconceptions, Part 2: No Pain No Gain, Hedonic Adaptation, and Meditation
In the second of two episodes, Dr. Rick and Forrest Hanson explore common self-help myths and misconceptions, including ones related to hedonic adaptation, “no pain no gain,” and meditation.
Meditation + Talk: Honoring the Deepest Wants in Yourself and Others
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on Honoring the Deepest Wants in Yourself and Others, including a Q&A and discussion.
Being Well Podcast: Self-Help’s Biggest Misconceptions, Part 1: Therapy, Trauma, and Resilience
As mental health and the psychological sciences have gone increasingly mainstream, so too have some common misconceptions and misunderstandings. In the first of two episodes, we explore some of the biggest misconceptions related to therapy, trauma, and what it means to be “resilient.”
Meditation + Talk: Introduction to a Koan – Washing Your Bowls
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Henry Shukman offers a guided meditation and talk on Introduction to a Koan – Washing Your Bowls , which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Being Well Podcast: Dealing with PMDD with Elizabeth Ferreira
Learn what Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is and how to self-diagnose, as well as effective practices for managing PMDD and how to create a happy, healthy, fulfilling relationship alongside it.
Meditation + Talk: Suffering and the Two-Rut Track
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Henry Shukman offers a guided meditation and talk on Suffering and the Two-Rut Track, which includes a Q&A and discussion.