Being Well Podcast: The Unconscious Mind: What It Is and How to Use It

Being Well Podcast: The Unconscious Mind: What It Is and How to Use It

One of the most fascinating aspects of the mind is how most of what’s going on in it lies outside of our awareness. In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Forrest and Dr. Rick explore the unconscious mind and the material we might find there. They talk about what the unconscious mind is, the purpose of the unconscious, repression, and what we can do to access, use, and release that unconscious material.

Being Well Podcast: Somatic Psychology: Using the Body to Heal the Mind with Elizabeth Ferreira

Being Well Podcast: Somatic Psychology: Using the Body to Heal the Mind with Elizabeth Ferreira

Somatic therapist Elizabeth Ferreira returns to the Being Well Podcast and joins Forrest for a deep dive into somatic psychology. They explore what a somatic therapy session looks like in practice, how it differs from traditional talk therapy, the connection between the body and the mind, and why people with complex trauma are sometimes better served by body-based approaches.