
Being Well Podcast Episodes on:

Negativity Bias


Being Well Podcast: Hedonic Adaptation: How to STAY Happy

Being Well Podcast: Hedonic Adaptation: How to STAY Happy

Forrest and I consider the human tendency to return to the same basic level of happiness regardless of recent positive or negative experiences – also known as hedonic adaptation – and how to contend with it so we can get off the hedonic treadmill.

Being Well Podcast: Break Your Old Patterns

Being Well Podcast: Break Your Old Patterns

We all have times in life where it feels like we’re stagnating. We’re unfulfilled, bored, or trapped in cycles of behavior that don’t serve us. We’re stuck in a rut. On today’s episode of @beingwellpodcast, Forrest Hanson and I explore how we can break old cycles, and get un-stuck.

Being Well Podcast: How to Change For Good with Dr. Katy Milkman

Being Well Podcast: How to Change For Good with Dr. Katy Milkman

Though there’s no lack of advice out there, changing in lasting ways is hard. Today Forrest and Dr. Rick Hanson are joined by Dr. Katy Milkman, an expert in the science of change, to explore how we can build better habits, sustain motivation, and change for good.

Being Well Podcast: How to Change for Good

Being Well Podcast: How to Change for Good

There are times in our lives when we recognize that something’s got to change. Today Forrest and I explore a big question: What goes into making who we are, and how can we give ourselves the freedom to grow and change over time?

Being Well Podcast

There’s a lot of information out there about mental health.
Much of it isn’t very good.
We’re trying to fix that.

New Workshop: August 17

Feeling anxious or insecure around others? There’s a reason… (and you can change that.)

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