How Your Brain Works
Dr. Rick Hanson explains the neuroscience of how our brain has evolved, how it works, and what that means for us in regards to emotional/social regulation.

Is Life Actually Suffering?
Discover what causes suffering and learn how we can rest in fullness with the experiences we are already having.

Being Well Podcast: The Science of a Meaningful Life
We are joined by Jason Marsh, founding editor of Greater Good Magazine, to help us explore key, research-based insights into living a meaningful life.

Compassionate Assertiveness
This talk from the San Rafael Meditation focuses on warming the heart and assertiveness that is grounded in the underlying ventures of Buddhism that have to do with wise speech, action, livelihood, and conduct.
The Science of Hardwiring Happiness and Resilience
In this episode of Jordan Harbinger podcast (April 2019), Rick and Jordan talk about why learning to rely on ourselves rather than others (or the world at large) is ultimately empowering, and how to ensure we’re focused on the right metrics for emotional health and happiness.

Being Well Podcast: Confidence or Narcissism?
How can we take in positive experiences and develop a strong sense of self without developing narcissistic traits or falling prey to narcissistic tendencies?

Perceptions of Reality
Just because we disagree about perceptions of reality does not mean that there is not an actual reality, nor does it mean that it is not knowable.

Being Well Podcast: Mailbag: Learning to Let Go
Today, we’re going to be answering two questions that explore how we can release our attachment to different experiences, and learn to let go.

Being Well Podcast: Communicating Without Violence with Oren Jay Sofer
Oren Jay Sofer brings a unique and pragmatic perspective to living and speaking mindfully.

Understanding True Self-Compassion
There is a very useful distinction between two different meanings, or connotations, of the word “victim.”