Meditation + Talk: A Spacey Ecstatic Riff on Everything Is Relationship
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on A Spacey Ecstatic Riff on Everything Is Relationship.

Feed the Mouse
When you feel fed – physically, emotionally, conceptually – you naturally let go of longing, disappointment, frustration, and craving. The hungry heart gets a full meal; goals are attained and the striving for them relaxes; one feels lifted by life as it is. What a relief!
Feeling fed also helps you enjoy positive emotions such as pleasure, contentment, accomplishment, ease, and worth. As researchers have shown, these good feelings reduce stress, help people bounce back from illness and loss, strengthen resilience, draw attention to the big picture, and build inner resources. And when your own cup runneth over, studies have found that you’re more inclined to give to others; feeling good helps you do good.

Being Well Podcast: Relating to Death, and Living a Better Life
On today’s episode of Being Well, Forrest and I talk about coming to terms with mortality, the reality of our limited time, and how we can use that knowledge to refine our focus and live a more fulfilling life.

Meditation + Talk: Being Nature
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offered a meditation and talk on Being Nature.

See What’s Likable
Liking feels good, and it encourages us to approach and engage the world. We’re wired to like some things, but our liking or disliking depends greatly on what we pay attention to and our own perspective.

Being Well Podcast: Changing Your Relationship to Shame
Shame is one of the most complex and difficult emotions we experience on a regular basis, and one that can have seriously negative impacts on our sense of self-worth and ability to experience healthy connection with others.

Meditation + Talk: Compassion in Society: Embodying the Changes We Want to See
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Lakiba Pittman covered the topic of Compassion in Society: Embodying the Changes We Want to See.

Enjoy Now
Since it’s always now, now is eternal. The present moment is continually passing away, so relax and be open to this moment. Not planning, not worrying, not lost in thought.

Being Well Podcast: The Grieving Brain with Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor
On today’s episode we’re joined by one of the world’s leading researchers on grief, Dr. Mary-Frances O’Connor. We explore why grief is such a unique and intense emotion, how grief works in the brain, the problems with generalized models like the “five stages of grief,” and how we can learn to live with loss.

Meditation + Talk: Presence Infused with Heart
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest teacher Caverly Morgan covered the topic of Presence Infused with Heart.