Dr. Benjamin Hardy helps us explore how we can create massive change by applying “10x thinking,” a mindset that embraces a radically different version of ourselves and our lives.
Being Well Podcast Episodes on:
Therapy and Counseling
Being Well Podcast: How to Become Psychologically Flexible (from formerly rigid people)
Just like how physical flexibility is the amount of stretch in our muscles, the ability they have to bend without breaking, psychological flexibility is the same quality in our minds. It helps us look at situations in new lights, be open to our emotions, let go of old versions of ourselves, and step into new ways of being.
Being Well Podcast: Stephanie Foo: Complex PTSD and Learning to Live With the Past
One of the most fascinating aspects of the mind is how most of what’s going on in it lies outside of our awareness. In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Forrest and Dr. Rick explore the unconscious mind and the material we might find there. They talk about what the unconscious mind is, the purpose of the unconscious, repression, and what we can do to access, use, and release that unconscious material.
Being Well Podcast: The Unconscious Mind: What It Is and How to Use It
One of the most fascinating aspects of the mind is how most of what’s going on in it lies outside of our awareness. In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Forrest and Dr. Rick explore the unconscious mind and the material we might find there. They talk about what the unconscious mind is, the purpose of the unconscious, repression, and what we can do to access, use, and release that unconscious material.
Being Well Podcast: Somatic Psychology: Using the Body to Heal the Mind with Elizabeth Ferreira
Somatic therapist Elizabeth Ferreira returns to the Being Well Podcast and joins Forrest for a deep dive into somatic psychology. They explore what a somatic therapy session looks like in practice, how it differs from traditional talk therapy, the connection between the body and the mind, and why people with complex trauma are sometimes better served by body-based approaches.
Being Well Podcast: Letting Go of Our Conditioning with Caverly Morgan
Dr. Rick and Forrest are joined by meditation teacher and former Zen monastic Caverly Morgan to discuss how we can release our conditioning, identify the inner voice that leads to change, and get to the heart of who we are.
Being Well Podcast: Why Don’t We Get Better?
Forrest and Dr. Rick explore why we struggle to change that which matters most to us, how much change is realistically possible, what makes real change hard, the hidden barriers to lasting change, and what we can do about them.
Being Well Podcast: Untangling Ourselves with Koshin Paley Ellison
Koshin Paley Ellison joins Forrest and Rick to explore living, dying, and personal practice in the midst of our beautiful, challenging, messy lives.
Being Well Podcast: Existential Dread, and Overcoming an Existential Crisis
It’s natural to have moments – even in the course of a generally happy, mostly fulfilling life – where we question our meaning, value, and purpose. This “existential dread” sometimes culminates in an “existential crisis.” We consider how we can confront these basic questions with acceptance and curiosity, and find the meaning and purpose that can help us live good lives
Being Well Podcast: Perfectionism and Unhealthy Striving with Dr. Diana Hill
How can we aim high, achieve our goals, and get what we want out of life without falling prey to unhealthy striving and excessive perfectionism? Dr. Diana Hill joins Dr. Rick and Forrest Hanson to explore the costs of perfectionism, productivity anxiety, psychological flexibility, calming the threat system, and how we can go from striving to thriving.
Being Well Podcast
There’s a lot of information out there about mental health.
Much of it isn’t very good.
We’re trying to fix that.
A Year-Long Course in Changing Your Brain - and Life - for the Better
Starting January 4, grow 12 strengths for staying calm, joyful, and confident no matter what challenges life throws your way.
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