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Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

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Love What’s Real

Love What’s Real

What do a healthy relationship, family, organization, or country have in common? They are grounded in what is real. They seek the truth, tell the truth, and learn from the truth.

“Us” All “Thems”

“Us” All “Thems”

Finding common ground with every person – especially those you fear or are angry with or who are simply very different from you – builds bridges among us, widens circles, and allows us to live together in peace.

Love the World

Love the World

Humanity has great power for good and ill. As the earth heats up, as species go extinct and resources decline, it is critically important that a fourth major motivation guide our thoughts, words, and above all, deeds: Love the world.

Grow A Key Inner Strength

Grow A Key Inner Strength

What’s your “Vitamin C?” “Vitamin C” is. Daily life is full of opportunities to notice or create experiences of inner strength, a psychological resource. Take it into yourself, making it a part of you.

Back to Basics

Back to Basics

By taking care of the basics, everything else usually takes care of itself.

Don’t Rain On The Parade

Don’t Rain On The Parade

Are you too quick with doubt, limitations, cost analyses, reasons why not? If you pour cold water over your hopes and dreams, you’ll never know the warmth and light that might spread if you’d let them catch fire.