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Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

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What is Mindful Presence?

This is the first post in the series on developing mindful presence. Let’s unpack those two words, mindful presence. Mindfulness is simply a clear, non-judgmental awareness of your inner and outer worlds. In particular, it’s an awareness of the flow of experience in...

Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It’s titled Secure at the Edge of Now. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at

Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It’s titled Three Refuges in This Undependable World. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at

Cultivating Happiness

I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Ask Dr. Nandi Show on Cultivating Happiness. I hope you enjoy it! Ask Dr. Nandi Cultivating Happiness - 361 from Ask Dr. Nandi on Vimeo.

The Realm of Giving and Generosity

The specific meaning of “dana” is giving, which is related to the quality of “caga” (in Pali), or generosity. The one involves doing, while the other involves being. While this distinction is useful in its comprehensiveness, in actuality generosity and giving, being...

Friday Favorite

A little determination can go a long way - as you'll see in this short video. Enjoy!

Questions About Mental Health

"What methods can you recommend to help boost memory?" "How can I overcome decision fatigue?" "Do people with a history of recurrent depression have as much capacity for positive change as those who haven’t? How would you describe the balance between accepting “what...

Friday Favorite

Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself...

I spoke at Augsburg College in Minneapolis Oct. 16, 2014 on Hardwiring Happiness, which was recorded and broadcast on MPR. In this presentation I offer tips on how to overcome the “negativity bias” which helped ancient animals survive, but can pose obstacles to a happy life.

The Healing Power of the Mind

I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Ask Dr. Nandi Show on The Healing Power of the Mind. I hope you enjoy it! When viewing, please enter password: nandi Healing Power of the Mind - 364 from Ask Dr. Nandi on Vimeo.

Giving is Good

Giving - known as “dana” in Pali, the language in which the teachings of the Buddha were first written down – is the first of the ten “paramis” or perfections of a Bodhisattva, a highly Awakened person who postpones his or her ultimate enlightenment to bring all...

Questions About Neuroscience

"Why is it important to know about the Responsive and Reactive settings of the brain?" "Is the “fight or flight” response the functional part of the primitive/reptile brain or the emotional brain?" "Is there any evidence that just reading the words which describe an...

You might like this talk from the San Rafael Meditation group discussing the types of meditation.

Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It’s titled Right Livelihood Through the Lens of the Hindrances. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at

The Fourth Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the Eightfold Path

These are the elements of the Eightfold Path: Right View Right Resolve Right Action Right Speech Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration Please see the article on “The Noble Eightfold Path” here - //

Helping Yourself Speak Your Truth

Continuing the discussion on Inhibition Profiles, let's look at some methods to help you speak your truth. Normal as they are, these inhibitions limit your autonomy, and consequently, your intimacy. Their regulation is excessive and thus unskillful. And they harm...

The Third Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the End of Suffering

The Third Noble Truth comes directly from the Second one: The end of suffering comes with the end of clinging. As Achaan Chah said, "If you let go a little, you'll have a little happiness. If you let go a lot, you'll have a lot of happiness. If you let go completely ....

Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It’s titled Appreciating Your Good Intentions. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at

The Second Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering

The Second Noble Truth describes the principal cause of suffering. It is clinging. . . to anything at all. The bad news is that we suffer. The good news is that there is a prime cause - clinging - that we can address. There are lots of words that get at different...

Friday Favorite

                          Artist: Breier

Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It’s titled A Peaceful Heart. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at