
Being Well Podcast: Being On Your Own Side

In this episode of Season 2 of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Rick Hanson focuses on the importance of self-compassion - and particularly on why it's important to get "on your own side" in order to be more resilient and create lasting, positive change in the brain....

Wise Brain Bulletin: Volume 11.6

In this volume of the Wise Brain Bulletin from December 9, 2017, Dr. Jeff Tarrant explores 4 meditation styles, Poet Jeanie Greensfelder invites us to embrace duality in A Love Story, Rick Hanson offer some tips for a stress-free holiday, plus a customizable gratitude meditation, and Stephanie Noble invites us on a rather insightful scavenger hunt.

Swimming up Stream

Many mothers think back to their own moms and feel dismayed that they may not be handling things as well. It’s both poignant and sadly unfair to the women who feel this way, since times have changed so dramatically. In response, we’d like to offer these words.

How a Parent Gets Depleted

Parenthood is profoundly fulfilling . . . but it is also the most physically demanding and stressful activity most people – whether women or men – will ever do, and it gets done day after day for twenty or more years. You can start feeling better about things just knowing that you are not alone.

10 Reasons to Take Good Care of a Mother

Mothers get stressed and depleted over time through the accumulation of a thousand little things. It is through doing little things each day that are good for you that you accumulate a growing pile of positive resources for your health, well-being, strong teamwork, and lasting love. These are worth knowing for a mother herself, and for anyone who knows her.