Gretchen Rubin Interview on Gratitude
Discover some simple yet powerful ways to become happier in this conversation with Gretchen Rubin—author of The Happiness Project. In this Foundations of Well-Being interview, Gretchen gets very practical and shares an easy path towards greater well-being, from the...

Rewiring Your Brain: An Article from Jennifer Forsberg Meyer
The Rural Life / By Jennifer Forsberg Meyer Rewiring Your Brain Sometimes things intersect in a way that makes you sit up and take notice. This happened to me recently. It started with some spectacular nature programs—the BBC series available on Netflix....
Aspiration: An Interview with Dan Siegel
"Life is always unfolding, you're always in an emerging process... only junk can really make you feel stagnat or chaotic, and the beautiful thing about being a human being is you have a choice. With awareness, you can use liberate yourself and free yourself to your...
Practicing with Negative Reactions to Others
Here is a talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It is titled Practicing with Negative Reactions to Others.
More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found here.
The Caring Quilt Creative Activity
Check out this great creative activity that will deepen and internalize your sense of being cared about - an important inner resource for resilience, happiness, and satisfying relationships, and a key part of the Foundations of Well-Being. This 12-minute video guides...
Paul Gilbert Interview on Confidence
"A lot of what happens with loss of confidence, is that we undermine whatever confidence we may have. Humans have an amazing capacity to monitor everything - and that can begin to cause you a lot of trouble - because you're monitoring that there's a problem, rather...