From the Blog
Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

Being Well Podcast: Navigating Situationships: How to Get What You Really Want
Forrest and Dr. Rick explore “situationships” – those poorly defined, boundary-free relationships that exist in a gray area between friendship and committed dating.
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The Brain in Lust and Love
The marvelous human capabilities for understanding each other, and feeling understood, developed in the brain over millions of years. Learning about these can help you understand and work better with your own empathic capabilities.
Two Wolves in the Heart: The Evolution of Empathy and Aggression, Of “Us” and “Them”
Learn about the origin of the best and the worst characteristics of human beings . . . and how to nurture the good that lies inside every heart.
This article is adapted from a talk given at James Baraz’s Awakening Joy class, 9/26/07, and it considers four questions about empathy.
Coping with Loss: Implications of Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, Part Two
Learn methods from psychology and contemplative practice – both informed by neuroscience – that you can use to bear and cope with and heal and grow from your difficult experiences, and those of others you care about.
Notice You’re All Right Right Now
The brain’s default setting of apprehensiveness wears down well-being, and feeds anxiety and depression. And it’s based on a lie. Learn how to access a fundamental sense of alrightness, even when getting things done.
Just One Thing – Be Curious
This is an excerpt of pages 134-137 from the book Just One Thing.
Find Strength
To make your way in life, you need strength, determination, and grit. Fortunately, inner strength is not all or nothing. You can build it, just like a muscle.
Take Pleasure
When you find pleasure in life, you are not pushing away things that are hard or painful. You are simply opening up to the sweet stuff that’s already around you—and basking, luxuriating, and delighting in it.
Just One Thing – Take in the Good
This is an excerpt of pages 17-21 of the book Just One Thing
Just One Thing – Table of Contents
This is the table of contents for the book Just One Thing.
Introduction – Using Your Brain to Change Your Mind
This is an excerpt of pages 1-10 from the book Just One Thing.
What Do You Mean, “Self?”
Psychology, neuroscience, and spiritual practice all have an interest in what in the world the self is – if it’s anything at all – and so it’s helpful to know what we mean when we use that word, since it actually can mean quite a few different things.
Foundations of Mindfulness
When your attention is steady, so is your mind: not rattled or hijacked by whatever pops into awareness, but stably present, grounded, and unshakable. You can train and strengthen your attention just like any other mental ability.
Rick discusses several topics regarding mindfulness applied to relationships.
How to Stick with Your Virtues and Good Purposes
Tips for how to stay on course, strong and motivated, as you reclaim your right to good health and self-esteem.
Compassion and Assertion
Compassion and assertion work together as the two wings that get any relationship off the ground and keep it flying. They support each other, and they both nourish the wolf of love.
Two Wolves in the Heart
In our hearts, there are two wolves: a wolf of love and a wolf of hate. Our happiness and well-being all depends on which one we feed each day.
The Self-Transforming Brain
When your mind changes, your brain changes, too. As a result, even fleeting thoughts and feelings can leave lasting marks on your brain, much like a spring shower can leave little trails on a hillside.
Taking in the Good
Your mind is built from the experiences you have. The flow of experience gradually sculpts your brain, thus shaping your mind.
Good Intentions: Neurological, Contemplative, and Practical Perspectives
The first question regarding intention is, for what? All the great wisdom traditions of the world, and all the great moral philosophers, have grappled with this question.
Practicing gratitude is an especially beneficial way to counter painful emotions and stress. Here are some thoughts and exercises about being grateful.