
What’s “Optimal” About Frustration?

We base our actions toward children on ideas about their nature and needs and it is important to examine the notion of “optimal frustration,” which means not always giving a child what they want to make them more independent.

Reducing Sibling Rivalry

Our siblings are usually the people we know longest in this life, but it’s striking how many people have distant, even hostile relations with their brothers and sisters. Family tensions related to sibling rivalries wear on parents individually, and sometimes can challenge their marriage – so it’s important to tackle them in steady, systematic ways.

When Kids Can’t Have What They Want

How to respond when the wants of parents and children differ is one of The Big Questions of parenting. Things usually go well when parents and kids want the same things — problems start when they don’t! Here are some ways to handle these difficult situations.

Being Well Podcast: Knowing You’re a Good Person

Being Well Podcast: Knowing You’re a Good Person

Welcome to the Being Well Podcast! In our last episode we talked about the role of the two voices in our mind – the inner nurturer and the inner critic – and discussed how we can keep those two personalities in balance.

Today we’re going to wrap up the strength of Confidence with a conversation on a simple concept with surprising depth: knowing you’re a good person.

What To Do So Your Kids Don’t Stress You Out

We get caught in the swirl when our kids are little, and it’s hard to figure out which parts are normal kid stuff, or discipline issues, or child temperament, or parental stress overload, or couple’s issues – or something else! It really helps to have a simple plan you can keep returning to. Here are ten headlines to help.