The Third Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the End of Suffering
The Third Noble Truth comes directly from the Second one: The end of suffering comes with the end of clinging. As Achaan Chah said, "If you let go a little, you'll have a little happiness. If you let go a lot, you'll have a lot of happiness. If you let go completely ....
The Second Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering
The Second Noble Truth describes the principal cause of suffering. It is clinging. . . to anything at all. The bad news is that we suffer. The good news is that there is a prime cause - clinging - that we can address. There are lots of words that get at different...
Friday Favorite
Artist: Breier
Last April I taught Neuro-Bhavana: The Mindful Cultivation of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom in Our Brains and Our Lives at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, based on my book Hardwiring Happiness. The workshop was recorded and edited into 11 videos, which you can...
How to Lower Your Stress
Nurturing yourself is what enables you to be at your best for your children. You work hard for the sake of your children and family, and that entitles you to respect, care – and stress relief.
The First Noble Truth – The Noble Truth of Suffering
The Four Noble Truths are the most fundamental teaching of the Buddha. Deceptively simple, they actually provide a profound explanation of human unhappiness, both gross and subtle, and how to attain increasingly positive states of mind, from stress relief in daily...
Friday Favorite
I hope you enjoy this very heart-warming and inspirational story about never giving up.