
The Healing Power of the Mind

I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Ask Dr. Nandi Show on The Healing Power of the Mind. I hope you enjoy it! When viewing, please enter password: nandi Healing Power of the Mind - 364 from Ask Dr. Nandi on Vimeo.

Giving is Good

Giving - known as “dana” in Pali, the language in which the teachings of the Buddha were first written down – is the first of the ten “paramis” or perfections of a Bodhisattva, a highly Awakened person who postpones his or her ultimate enlightenment to bring all...

Questions About Neuroscience

"Why is it important to know about the Responsive and Reactive settings of the brain?" "Is the “fight or flight” response the functional part of the primitive/reptile brain or the emotional brain?" "Is there any evidence that just reading the words which describe an...

Helping Yourself Speak Your Truth

Continuing the discussion on Inhibition Profiles, let's look at some methods to help you speak your truth. Normal as they are, these inhibitions limit your autonomy, and consequently, your intimacy. Their regulation is excessive and thus unskillful. And they harm...