QUIZ: How do you Contribute to the World?
You offer many things to others each day in ways large and small. Sometimes people feel good about their contributions into the world - and sometimes they don’t, feeling anxious, stressed, or inadequate. Learn how you feel about your own contributions, with this short...
QUIZ: Do You Realize Your Dreams?
What we do with our childhood hopes and dreams affects us as we change and grow our entire lives. By listening to your longings you can reclaim the dreams you had for yourself as a child and find work that is at the intersection of what you love, what you're talented...
Dr. Rick Hanson on Bulletproof Radio
I was recently interviewed on the Bulletproof Radio podcast by Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey! Bulletproof Radio is one of the top health podcasts on iTunes, they have over half a million followers. We discussed how to get the best out of meaningful experiences,...
Rick Hanson on the Art of Charm Podcast
I was recently a guest on The Art of Charm podcast (one of the most popular shows on iTunes!) to discuss the power of Taking in the Good and the ways we can build more confident brains. I had a great conversation with AoC founder Jordan Harbinger, I hope you enjoy it....
Questions about the Negativity Bias
I receive a lot of questions about the negativity bias and how to over come it. Here are a few: "Is the brain still evolving? Even though we have a brain sculpted by Stone Age experiences, is the brain in any way advancing into a more highly evolved version of...
Using Your Mind to Change Your Brain
Learn how you can use your mind to change your brain, with this quick overview from Rick Hanson, Ph.D.
21 Ways to Feel Good about Yourself
Simple steps for more self-worth, self-compassion, and confidence, from Rick Hanson.
Peace of Mind: Emotions, the Limbic System, and Equanimity
Daily life is full of emotions, from the pleasures of happiness and love to the pains of worry, frustration, sorrow, and anger. While we may take them for granted, our feelings are actually an extraordinary evolutionary achievement, as remarkable in their own way as language and logic.