
From the Blog

Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

Speak From The Heart

Speak From The Heart

Speaking from an open heart can seem so vulnerable yet be the strongest move of all. Naming the truth has great moral force.

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One Breath at a Time

One Breath at a Time

To know yourself more deeply, track the breath inside yourself. Inhale, oxygen surges into your brain and activates and accelerates the heartbeat. Exhale, you activate the soothing peaceful nervous system. In the breath you are home in this moment, this Now.

Have Compassion

Have Compassion

To have compassion is to have the wish that beings not suffer combined with feelings of sympathetic concern.

Give No One Cause to Fear You

Give No One Cause to Fear You

Much of the time the fear we trigger in others is mild but people can feel threatened by stimuli they’re not actually aware of.

Feed the Wolf of Love

Feed the Wolf of Love

There are two wolves in ones heart, a wolf of hate and a wolf of love. The wolf of hate breeds alienation and conflict with others. The wolf of love is fed with our hearts, hope and by our sense of what’s good.



Sometimes it’s natural to feel stunned, shocked, powerless. And natural to be flooded with rage or fear or an overwhelming sorrow. Still, even in the midst of all this, you can be mindful: aware and present, and not entirely swept away. Then at some point, you take a breath and look around and try to figure out what to do. One thing to do is to vote.

Meditation + Talk: How to Feel Already OK

Meditation + Talk: How to Feel Already OK

It’s easy to get caught up in chasing goals and fixating on what’s wrong. By noticing what we already have, we can feel a sense of peace, contentment, and love.

Cling Less, Love More

Cling Less, Love More

Clinging is never relaxed and has a sense of strain. As you cling less, it becomes natural for one to lighten up, have more compassion and forgive.