What to Do When the Bottom Falls Out
It’s normal to feel shocked, frozen, frightened, or outraged. But here are four fundamental strengths to help us feel and function better in difficult times.
It’s normal to feel shocked, frozen, frightened, or outraged. But here are four fundamental strengths to help us feel and function better in difficult times.
By taking care of the basics, everything else usually takes care of itself.
When healthy inclinations become “shoulds” “musts” then there is a big problem. Consider a situation that bothers you, and find a deeper “should” that’s related to an experience you “must” have or avoid. Face the should, ask this question: “Is it really true?”
Give over to good and let this good be your guiding principle. Just One Thing Newsletter.
In the body or the mind, there is no life without goals. Trying to “transcend” goals is itself a goal. The only question is: Are your goals good ones?
The most important things often get pushed to the sidelines. But if you don’t make a sanctuary for what is important, it will get overrun B and C priorities.
Nourish the things that nourish you. Try to do one thing each day to. “Pass forward” a gift to the person you will be tomorrow . . . and a year from now.