From Anxiety to Security
We all experience anxiety. Discover why we are anxious, how are brains handle anxiety, and learn a variety ways for healthy coping.
We all experience anxiety. Discover why we are anxious, how are brains handle anxiety, and learn a variety ways for healthy coping.
“Metta” means lovingkindness. A beautiful way to compensate for the hard-wired tendency to fix our attention and affections on mainly one person, or small group of people, is to deliberately cultivate and practice an attitude of compassion and kindness toward people in general.
Most people want both closeness and independence. Intimacy and autonomy in all their forms: your course in life is shaped by how well you regulate their dance in your mind, and their expression in your relationships.
Tips for how to stay on course, strong and motivated, as you reclaim your right to good health and self-esteem.
With some simple strategies, you can hardwire more happiness, love and wisdom into your brain, and thus your life, according to psychologist, speaker and New York Times bestselling author Dr Rick Hanson
Once your intentions are clear, the next question is: How to express them?
The Eightfold Path is the fourth of the Buddha’s Noble Truths: the way that leads to the uprooting of the causes of suffering, and thus to increasingly stable and profound peacefulness, wisdom, virtue, and happiness. The heart of each element of the Path is non-clinging, the fundamental cause of the end of suffering.
One could rightly ask: How can intangible thoughts affect tangible matter (i.e., the brain)? This question is at the heart of the longstanding “mind-body problem,” and related questions include: How can mind arise from matter? Is mind reducible to matter? Does matter determine mind?
Introduction The Eightfold Path is the fourth of the Buddha’s Noble Truths, and it is the way leading to the uprooting of the causes of suffering, and thus to increasingly stable and profound peacefulness, wisdom, virtue, and happiness.
Although your brain isn’t heavy – about three pounds of soft, gooshy tissue-like tapioca pudding – it has about 1.1 trillion cells altogether. It literally is the most complex object known in the universe.
As you probably know, compassion and loving kindness are central elements of Buddhism. They arise naturally in response to one of those three fundamental characteristics of existence: interdependence/not-self/emptiness.