
From the Blog

Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

See Beings, Not Bodies

See Beings, Not Bodies

When we encounter someone, the mind summarizes and simplifies tons of details. Though fast and efficient this process has lots of problems. As our ancestors evolved, rapid sorting of friend or foe was very useful but is it still.

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Know You’re a Good Person

Know You’re a Good Person

Is it hard to believe you are a good person? Try to take in the good of feeling cared about; recognize goodness in your acts of thought, word, and deed. Enjoy this beautiful goodness, so real and so true.

Turn Anger into a Peaceful Heart

Turn Anger into a Peaceful Heart

3 things to help guide you to find peace: Stop Things from Building Up, Understand What’s Making You Angry, Find Key Ways to Turn Anger into a Peaceful Heart

Parent From the Same Page

Parent From the Same Page

Find compromises and work with your partner for the benefit of your child. Minor differences in parenting style are okay. But children get confused when there are major differences. Here are five ways to work effectively and get the best possible results.

Find Your North Star

Find Your North Star

What’s the light that will guide you out of your own tangled woods – both the woods “out there” in the world and the ones “in here,” in your own mind?

Meditation + Talk: How to Let Go

Meditation + Talk: How to Let Go

This Wednesday Night Meditation included a 29-minute meditation and a 53-minute talk about How to Let Go.

Drop the Load

Drop the Load

Are the rewards of new commitments really worth the costs? Sometimes you have to give up the lesser rewards of a new thing for the greater rewards of allowing some new space to clear in your life.

Be Mind Full of Good

Be Mind Full of Good

With a mind full of good, you’ll have more to offer others, which will grow the good in them, too, perhaps—reaching eventually around the whole world.

Twelve Good Things 2023

Twelve Good Things 2023

Each year I use an issue of the Just One Thing newsletter to offer Twelve Good Things that I think are really wonderful and worth your attention. May you and those you love and the whole wide world be truly well, truly happy, and truly at peace. — O N E —Global...