Three Reasons to Be For Yourself
Imagine treating yourself like you do a friend. You’d be encouraging, warm, and sympathetic. You wouldn’t pour salt in your wounds, and you’d help yourself heal and grow. Think about what a typical day would be like if you were on your own side. Would you appreciate your good intentions and good heart? Would you be less self-critical?
Being Well Podcast: Don’t React
Discover why it’s important to respond to challenges from the “green zone” of the brain rather than reacting instinctively from the “red zone.” Also, learn the biology behind these two systems, the role of mindfulness, and how to combat the brain’s evolved negativity bias.
Being Well Podcast: How to Meet Your Needs
In this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Rick Hanson explains why it’s not so bad to be “needy.”
Being Well Podcast: Dealing With The Mind
On this episode, Dr. Rick Hanson explains the three ways we can skillfully ‘deal with’ our complicated minds. This includes practical ways to truly be with our experience, let go of negative thoughts and feelings, and plant new flowers in the garden of the mind.
Being Well Podcast: Mindfulness
On this episode, Dr. Rick Hanson focuses on how we can use mindfulness in practical ways in the flow of our daily lives.
Being Well Podcast: Enjoying Life
On today’s episode of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Rick Hanson explains why enjoying life is both easy to dismiss and surprisingly hard to do. Particularly, he explores how we can authentically find enjoyable moments even during very difficult times in our lives.
Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength & Happiness
An interview with Rick Hanson by Fiona Douglas-Crampton Psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Rick Hanson became aware of unhappiness in his family and in the world at a young age. Now a Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC, Dr. Hanson...
Being Well Podcast: Acceptance
On this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Hanson and Forrest focus on the importance of acceptance. Particularly, they talk about how an authentic moment of acceptance can be a catalyst for positive growth.
Being Well Podcast: Self-Compassion
Today Dr. Hanson and Forrest explore how to use self-compassion to reduce rumination, feel safe while taking big risks, and improve our relationships with other people.