I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the Ask Dr. Nandi Show on the topic of Fear. I hope you enjoy it! When viewing, please enter password: nandi SHOW Ask Dr Nandi 363 Fear from Ask Dr. Nandi on Vimeo.
Stress-Proof Your Brain
Our brains have evolved powerful tools for coping with threats and danger—but in the face of modern stresses like information overload, money worries, and interpersonal conflicts, our survival reflexes can do more harm than good. To help you adapt your nervous system...
Giving Is the Most Natural Thing in the World
We spend a lot of time giving to others. It’s the most natural thing in the world. Most giving is small, in passing, hardly noticed, the breath and wallpaper of life. It’s not hard to overlook. And with all the attention paid in the media to images and words of...
Feeling Loved
At this year's Empathy and Compassion in Society Conference I offered a keynote presentation on Feeling Loved. I hope you like it!
Questions About Compassion
"How do I develop an inner protector?" "You’ve said that love and compassion can combat anxiety. How do they do that—and how can we access those feelings more readily, particularly when we feel threatened?" "Once an uncomfortable pattern has developed, bad...
Friday Favorite
Ira Glass Speaking on being creative and why it takes so long to reach the level you will finally achieve.
Reducing Craving by Taking in Core Interpersonal Supplies
Here is the latest talk from the San Rafael Meditation group with Rick Hanson. It is titled Reducing Craving by Taking in Core Interpersonal Supplies. More information on the San Rafael Mediation group can be found at https://rickhanson.net/teaching/meditation-group.

Water Your Fruit Tree
Nourish the things that nourish you. Try to do one thing each day to. “Pass forward” a gift to the person you will be tomorrow . . . and a year from now.