Dr. Rick Hanson on Bulletproof Radio
September 7, 2015

I was recently interviewed on the Bulletproof Radio podcast by Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey! Bulletproof Radio is one of the top health podcasts on iTunes, they have over half a million followers. We discussed how to get the best out of meaningful experiences, practicing mindfulness, understanding what happiness really is and how to achieve it.

If you’ve never heard of Bulletproof, it’s a life-hacking organization focused on personal optimization and reaching a state of high-performance. Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time. He spent nearly 20 years and $300,000 learning the techniques that made this possible, and now he’s passing them on to you.

We think you’ll love this podcast, follow the link below to check it out!


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