by Rick Hanson | Sep 8, 2020 | Blog, Foundations of Relationships, Just One Thing
When deeper wants are recognized one feels seen and less likely to be reactive. See deep wants is understanding what someone may want and giving them an alternative offering which may reduce negative emotion and increased cooperation.
by Rick Hanson | Sep 1, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Open to Wisdom
Acceptance is the foundation of wisdom and inner peace. It is easy to accept life’s beautiful things. It is the hard things in life that are hard to accept. The sweet spot is both by accepting the fact that they are what they are.
by Rick Hanson | Aug 25, 2020 | At Home in Your Body, Blog, Just One Thing
The fabric of your mind is woven by your body. Focus on what others communicate, and try to receive that as a valuable offering. Open your mind to the good that is implicit or down deep in the other person.
by Rick Hanson | Aug 11, 2020 | Acting Skillfully, Blog, Just One Thing
Are you holding onto at least one thing that’s way past its expiration date? Self-critical thoughts, obsessions, defensive about your issues, or drinking too much. These things are relatively straightforward to deal with, even though it could be difficult.
by Rick Hanson | Jul 28, 2020 | Blog, Green Zone Brain, Just One Thing
Life is full of tradeoffs between benefits and costs. Sometimes the rewards of going for a run, getting fresh air, and improving health may be worth the cost of losing half an hour of work time while gaining a pair of achy legs.
by Rick Hanson | Jul 14, 2020 | Blog, Foundations of Relationships, Just One Thing
By recognizing positive intentions we feel safer, supported, and happier. You have to actively look for good intentions. The practice of looking for good intentions may make you happier, and give you a stronger sense of our common humanity.
by Rick Hanson | Jul 7, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Receive the Gifts
Sacred, has two meanings. One means spirituality, the other something precious. Try to identify what is sacred to you. Maybe you already know.
by Rick Hanson | Jun 30, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Open to Wisdom
What’s the “wallpaper” in your own mind? Enjoy emptiness in the forms, the space between thoughts as your mind calms and becomes still, when you have no plans at all.
by Rick Hanson | Apr 28, 2020 | Acting Skillfully, Blog, Just One Thing
Try considering your contributions as offerings, particularly the little things. Listen to your heart for offerings calling to be expressed. Maybe it’s the offering of never speaking out of anger, or really starting that novel, or determining to give love each day.
by Rick Hanson | Apr 14, 2020 | Being at Peace, Blog, Just One Thing
In every life, reminders arrive about what’s really important. While it’s good advice not to sweat the small stuff, we also need to nurture the large stuff.
by Rick Hanson | Mar 31, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Leave the Red Zone
The pressure activates motivational circuits but has inherent collateral damage. Pressure activates ancient motivational circuits that were very effective in keeping our ancestors alive but even at best, there is an inherent collateral damage.
by Rick Hanson | Feb 25, 2020 | Blog, Interpersonal Skills, Just One Thing
Acknowledging one’s own part in a difficult situation is one of the hardest – and I think most honorable – things a person can do.
by Rick Hanson | Feb 4, 2020 | Blog, Green Zone Brain, Just One Thing
Part of this comes from our biological nature. To survive, animals – including us – have to be goal-directed, leaning into the future. This focus – can get confused and stressful.
by Rick Hanson | Jan 28, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Leave the Red Zone
Encourage your mind to come to rest at least occasionally. Tell the truth to yourself about how much time you actually – other than sleep.
by Rick Hanson | Jan 14, 2020 | Blog, Just One Thing, Receive the Gifts
What’s the spark and what’s the fuel? Welcome joy. Positive emotions – such as feelings of gratitude, love, and confidence – strengthen the immune system, protect the heart against loss and trauma, build relationships, increase resilience