

Forgiveness frees you from the tangles of anger and retribution. Appreciate the value of forgiveness. Ask yourself: what does my grievance, my resentment, cost me? Cost others I care about? What would it be like to lay those burdens down?

Drop The Case

Drop The Case

Enjoy the good feelings and other rewards of dropping your case. Set down the case, like plopping down a heavy suitcase. Enjoy the feelings, the spaciousness of mind, openness of heart, inner freedom, and other rewards of dropping your case.

Your Precious Life – Part 1

Your Precious Life – Part 1

What an incredible opportunity it is to have a life. At all. To fulfill that opportunity, we need a fundamental orientation inside that treats our life as if it matters. As if our happiness is important, as if being mistreated is not alright, as if we deserve the same...
Your Precious Life – Part 1

Your Precious Life

This series of blog posts is about Your Precious Life: what an incredible opportunity it is to have a life. At all. Part 1: Your Precious Life Part 2: Being For Something Part 3: Being For Yourself Part 4: Reflections from the Porch Part 5: The Beauty of Life in the...