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Writings on Well-Being Dr. Rick Hanson

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Find What’s Sacred

Find What’s Sacred

Sacred, has two meanings. One means spirituality, the other something precious. Try to identify what is sacred to you. Maybe you already know.

Talk: The Refuge of Calm

Talk: The Refuge of Calm

In this talk from his weekly Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson speaks about the Refuge of Calm.

Empty the Cup

Empty the Cup

What’s the “wallpaper” in your own mind? Enjoy emptiness in the forms, the space between thoughts as your mind calms and becomes still, when you have no plans at all.

Meditation + Talk: Lived by Everything

Meditation + Talk: Lived by Everything

In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Lived by Everything, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

Meditation + Talk: The Power of Love

Meditation + Talk: The Power of Love

In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on The Power of Love, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

Meditation + Talk: Equanimity

Meditation + Talk: Equanimity

In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and teaching on Equanimity, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

The Self Is a Unicorn

The Self Is a Unicorn

In this excerpt from Dr. Rick Hanson’s book Neurodharma, he offers a contemplation on the question: Who am I?

Meditation + Talk: Deep Rest

Meditation + Talk: Deep Rest

In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and teaching on Deep Rest, which includes a Q&A and discussion.

A Love Letter to Books

A Love Letter to Books

A love letter to Books from Dr. Rick Hanson – featuring some of the literature that has been most influential to him throughout the years.

Mind in Life

Mind in Life

An outline of the seven steps to the highest happiness in an excerpt from Dr. Rick Hanson’s new book Neurodharma.

Make The Offering

Make The Offering

Try considering your contributions as offerings, particularly the little things. Listen to your heart for offerings calling to be expressed. Maybe it’s the offering of never speaking out of anger, or really starting that novel, or determining to give love each day.

Meditation + Talk: Three Wise Efforts

Meditation + Talk: Three Wise Efforts

In this Meditation and Talk, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation on Mindful Spaciousness, and he shares insights about Three Wise Efforts.

Neurodharma Giveaway!

Be one of the first to read my new book Neurodharma AND get free copies of Hardwiring Happiness and Resilient! Sign up to win by April 13!

Remember the Big Things

Remember the Big Things

In every life, reminders arrive about what’s really important. While it’s good advice not to sweat the small stuff, we also need to nurture the large stuff.