Compassion and Assertion

Compassion and Assertion

Compassion and assertion work together as the two wings that get any relationship off the ground and keep it flying. They support each other, and they both nourish the wolf of love.

Two Wolves in the Heart

Two Wolves in the Heart

In our hearts, there are two wolves: a wolf of love and a wolf of hate. Our happiness and well-being all depends on which one we feed each day.

The Self-Transforming Brain

The Self-Transforming Brain

When your mind changes, your brain changes, too. As a result, even fleeting thoughts and feelings can leave lasting marks on your brain, much like a spring shower can leave little trails on a hillside.

Taking in the Good

Taking in the Good

Your mind is built from the experiences you have. The flow of experience gradually sculpts your brain, thus shaping your mind.

Resolving Quarrels

Disagreements and grievances are normal in any relationship, whether it’s between a mom and dad, or between two nations or peoples. Here are four things that will lead to your best chance of resolving a quarrel.

Talking About Parental Values

Parents often work out their differences informally, but sometimes, you’d benefit from a process that’s a little more structured. Here are some questions to help discuss the values that guide your parenting.


Practicing gratitude is an especially beneficial way to counter painful emotions and stress. Here are some thoughts and exercises about being grateful.