
The Importance of Gratitude and Gladness for a Happy Life

Gratitude and Gladness Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness about something you have been given. Gladness is a more general sense of feeling pleased, rewarded, delighted, or happy about something, without it necessarily being a gift. Much of the time these two sweet...

Hardwiring Our Children’s Happiness

I’ve used taking in the good with young people in therapy and also spoken with parents and teachers who have used it with their own children or students. As with an adult, there are four ways to offer the HEAL steps to a child, while naturally adapting them to the...

Turning a Negative Nelly Into a Positive Polly

I’ve been talking about ways to Hardwire Your Happiness on the blog lately.  So I thought it would be great to give you a sense of how it feels to take in the good. If you are someone who usually focuses on the negative experiences in the world you can turn that...