Being Well Podcast: Making Your Offering
Think about what you give, large and small, at home, on the job, to friends, to strangers, and to the wider world. We all offer so much each day, even if we don’t realize it in the moment.
Think about what you give, large and small, at home, on the job, to friends, to strangers, and to the wider world. We all offer so much each day, even if we don’t realize it in the moment.
Explore what it means to “aspire without attachment:” dreaming big dreams and pursuing them with commitment, while also being at peace with whatever happens.
On this episode, we focus on learning from and bringing to life our childhood dreams.
Join Dr. Dan Siegel to learn how you can use “mindsight” to tap into the dreams you had as a child, and honor those aspirations as an adult.
Forrest Hanson interviews Dr. Rick Hanson about his personal story of motivation – including how to transform from someone who lacks a natural feeling of motivation to someone who can diligently pursue their goals.
Explore our relationship with goals of various kinds, particularly how we can feel more successful by noticing the many small goals we accomplish each day, and fully internalizing that experience so it becomes a lasting resource.
On today’s episode of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Hanson and Forrest continue their focus on the strength of Grit with determination. Particularly, they look at the different aspects of determination, and explore how we can grow each of them over time.