Meditation + Talk: The Emptiness of Interpersonal Upsets
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on The Emptiness of Interpersonal Upsets, including a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Seeing the Person Behind the Eyes
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on Seeing the Person Behind the Eyes, which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Feeling Calm and Strong in Your Relationships
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a meditation and talk on Feeling Calm and Strong in Your Relationships, which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Knowing How Deeply Our Lives Are Intertwined
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, guest speaker Leslie Booker offers a guided meditation and talk on knowing how deeply our lives are intertwined, which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Making Peace in Your Mind with Other People
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Making Peace in Your Mind with Other People, both inside yourself and in reality altogether, which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Accepting Other People
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Accepting Other People, which includes a Q&A and discussion.
Meditation + Talk: Calming Reactions to Others
In this Wednesday Night Meditation, Dr. Rick Hanson offers a guided meditation and talk on Calming Reactions to Others, which includes a Q&A and discussion.