Neuroscience Perspectives on Spiritual Practices
Here is a list of several insights on spiritual practice from a neuroscience perspective.
What “Mom” Can Do for “Dad”
Here’s a list of eight things a mom can do tend to a dad’s needs.
Of Mice and Mindfulness
Neuroscientists have treated mice with 30 minutes of light therapy for 20 days to mimic meditation to test the effects of their behavior.

New Neuroscience and the Path of Awakening
We all want to be truly happy. The question is, how? In Buddhist practice, the “how” includes gradually transforming the mind – the seat of clinging in all its forms – to increase the causes of happiness and reduce the causes of suffering – ultimately, to complete Awakening.

Expressing Your Intentions
Once your intentions are clear, the next question is: How to express them?
How Can We Change Our Brains for the Better?
The bottom line, in terms of how we feel – are we happy, are we sad, are we effective, are we lost in stress – how we ARE is fundamentally the result of what’s happening in the three pounds of tofu between your ears.
The Science of Meditation
Key points about the brain and how the mind and brain can change each other.

Glossary: The Neurology of Awakening
Here is a glossary of terms from the Wise Brain Bulletin written by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius.