
Find Strength

To make your way in life, you need strength, determination, and grit. Fortunately, inner strength is not all or nothing. You can build it, just like a muscle.

Take Pleasure

Take Pleasure

When you find pleasure in life, you are not pushing away things that are hard or painful. You are simply opening up to the sweet stuff that’s already around you—and basking, luxuriating, and delighting in it.

Parenting from the Same Page

In this column, we will apply effective ways a mother and father can communicate to the sometimes thorny issues of of childrearing practices, who does what, sharing the load fairly, and money.

What Do You Mean, “Self?”

Psychology, neuroscience, and spiritual practice all have an interest in what in the world the self is – if it’s anything at all – and so it’s helpful to know what we mean when we use that word, since it actually can mean quite a few different things.

Foundations of Mindfulness

Foundations of Mindfulness

When your attention is steady, so is your mind: not rattled or hijacked by whatever pops into awareness, but stably present, grounded, and unshakable. You can train and strengthen your attention just like any other mental ability.