Find the Good News

Find the Good News

We need to recognize genuinely bad news so we can protect ourselves and others. The root cause of suffering and harm is ignorance, illusion, not seeing things as they actually are. See the facts and live in the light, we feel freer, at ease, unthreatened, confident, overflowing, loved, and loving.

We Walk Again and Again

“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate...

The Mind, the Brain, and God – Part III

In Part I and Part II of this blog series, we discussed the meaning of the words: mind; brain and God, and looked at the interdependence between the mind and the brain. In this last part of the discussion we'll examine the neural correlates and morality and summarize...

The Mind, the Brain and God – Part II

In the last blog post we discussed the meaning of the words mind, brain and God and saw how the mind and the brain are interdependent. In this segment we'll go into the popular arguments for and against God and further into the link between the mind and the brain....

The Mind, the Brain, and God – Part I

With all the research on mind/brain connections these days – Your brain in lust or love! While gambling or feeling envious! While meditating, praying, or having an out-of-body experience! – it’s natural to wonder about Big Questions about the relationships among the...

Is the Mind-Body Problem a Problem at All?

One could rightly ask: How can intangible thoughts affect tangible matter (i.e., the brain)? This question is at the heart of the longstanding “mind-body problem,” and related questions include: How can mind arise from matter? Is mind reducible to matter? Does matter...

A Meditation on Gratitude

Set aside a quiet time during which you can reflect on some of the many things you could be thankful for. As a starting point, you might read the passage below to yourself or out loud, adapting it to your situation as you like. There really is so much to be thankful...

A Caring, Joyful Heart

As you probably know, compassion and lovingkindness are central elements of Buddhism. They arise naturally in response to one of those three fundamental characteristics of existence: interdependence/not-self/emptiness. They are also a beautiful path of spiritual...

7 Facts About the Brain That Incline the Mind to Joy

#1 The mind and the brain are mainly (and perhaps entirely) a single unified system. Almost every – and perhaps every – subjective state is correlated with an objective, material brain state. Other than a transcendental factor – call it God, Spirit, Energy, or by...