Wednesday Weekly Meditation and Talk with Anne Roise
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Wednesday Weekly Meditation and Talk with Anne Roise

Much research has shown that meditation is one of the very best ways to cultivate the brain states of self-awareness, calm and inner peace, lovingkindness, mindfulness, and happiness – as well as strengthen the immune system and nurture other health benefits.

Join guest teacher Anne Roise for a live-streamed weekly meditation, talk, and discussion.  Anne has been a Zen practitioner since 1971 when she left Canada as a teenager to study with her first teacher, Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. She is lay-ordained in the Soto Zen tradition. Anne completed the Buddhist Chaplaincy program at the Sati Center and is also a trained mindfulness facilitator through the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center. Anne has taught mindfulness to community organizations and educational institutions. She offers chaplaincy services to diverse groups and facilitates the Black Wisdom and Mindfulness Circle through the Insight Meditation Center. Her career has included leadership roles in initiatives to address systemic poverty, community and economic development, violence prevention, juvenile justice and racial and ethnic bias in court systems. Anne is the Director of Programs and Online Operations at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and serves on the boards of Mindful Schools and the San Francisco Zen Center. She holds a graduate degree in City Planning from MIT and is a Certified Life Coach.

These teachings are offered freely, at no charge. And if you like, you may wish to participate in the age-old tradition of generosity through making an offering yourself – called “dāna” – to support Anne and Rick’s Wednesday Meditations. Generosity itself is a beautiful practice that opens and gladdens the heart, relaxes the contraction of “self,” and ripples out into the world to touch many people – and perhaps, eventually, even oneself.

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