The 1-Minute Challenge for Taking in the Good
Try this 1-minute challenge to help take in the good and absorb beneficial experiences.
Try this 1-minute challenge to help take in the good and absorb beneficial experiences.
When taking in the good, stay with the experience for a breath or longer.
See the good facts, feel the good facts, take in the good feeling.
You really can change your brain for the better, little by little. Join Rick and Forrest Hanson for a warm-hearted, practical conversation on Taking in the Good.
Hardwiring Happiness : The Hidden Power of Everyday Experiences on the Modern Brain. In this TEDx talk, Rick discusses how to overcome the brain’s negativity bias.
Today we don’t gather our own food, fight off wild animals, or live in caves. And yet, explains Dr. Rick Hanson, we’re equipped with stone-aged brains. With practice, however, we can change our brains, and our lives, for the better.