Foreign Languages
Writings from Dr. Rick Hanson
Buddha’s Brain and Just One Thing have been translated to German by Arbor Verlag, along with select issues of the Just One Thing newsletter. (A sister organization, Arbor Seminare, offers workshops and trainings with Rick Hanson in German-speaking countries annually.)
- Achtsam wie ein Buddha (Neurodharma)
- Das resiliente Gehirn (Resilient)
- Denken wie ein Buddha (Hardwiring Happiness)
- Das gehirn eines buddha (Buddha’s Brain)
- So entwickeln Sie das Gehirn eines Buddha (Just One Thing)
- Das gelassene gehirn eines buddha spoken by Lienhard Valentin
- Positive Neuroplasticity Training translated by Mike Kauschke
Slide Sets
- Taking in the Good – Berlin, 2013
- Positive Neuroplasticity Training
- Professional Course in PNT
- Positive Neuroplasticity Keynote – Graz, 2015
- Positive Neuroplasticity Workshop – Graz, 2015
- Den Stress ins Leere laufen lassen – Die Furch Magazine
- Im Gespräch mit Rick Hanson – Moment by Moment magazine
Lienhard Valentin is an internationally known mindfulness teacher, gestalt pedagogue, certified MSC teacher (Mindful Self-Compassion) and book author. He founded the Arbor Verlag, the association Growing with Children and the non-profit Arbor Seminare gGmbH. His focus is on the integration of mindfulness and compassion into daily life – especially of parents and teachers.
Mike Kauschke is the editor of Evolve magazine, and has been a freelance translator since 2005 with a focus on books with spiritual and integral subjects, including books by Steve McIntosh, Michael E. Zimmerman, Sean Esbjörn Hargens, Richard Rohr, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Rick Hanson, and Daniel Siegel. He practiced and studied Zen Buddhism with teachers in Germany and the USA and was active in hospice work. For ten years he has been involved in the practice of evolutionary spirituality.
Video Clip
Free the Mind – Kann ein Atemzug dein Denken verändern?, PBS, Germany, July 2013 (in German)
Videos from Dr. Selma Polat-Menke
Dr. Selma Polat-Menke is an MBSR-, MCP-Trainer and completed the MSC Teacher Training. She has produced short mindfulness clips for teenagers based on Rick Hanson’s Garden of the Mind, Neuroplasticity Training and Taking in the Good. You can find the clips on her homepage and learn more at
Dr. Selma Polat-Menke is a theologian, high school teacher and an MBSR and MCP trainer. She has developed a mindfulness program for youth, Herzbeschirmt, which contains elements of mindfulness, mindful self-compassion, and Rick Hanson’s Positive Neuroplasticity. In 2019, she co-founded ANFÄNGERGEIST e.V. to consolidate mindfulness in the educational context.