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Writings from Dr. Rick Hanson

The following materials for the Positive Neuroplasticity Training course have been written by Connie Triantafillidis, Karin Van Hooff, and Kirsten Victor:

PNT Handbook (Connie and Karin): Training in Positieve Neuroplasticiteit: Handboek voor de cursist

PNT Slides (Kirsten and Connie): Training in Positieve Neuroplasticiteit

Connie Triantafillidis works with young people with AD(H)D in her coaching practice True Colors.


Karin Van Hooff is a certified mentor, counselor and trainer of focusing (TFI) and uses these techniques to counsel many students.


Kirsten Victor is a mother, family counselor (self-compassion informed), therapist, and mindfulness trainer.