
Discover the Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom

Hardwiring Happiness

If you can change your brain, you can change your life

Dr. Rick Hanson

Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and other great teachers were all born with a brain built essentially like anyone else’s. Then they used their minds to change their brains in ways that changed history.

With the new breakthroughs in neuroscience, combined with insights from thousands of years of contemplative practice, you, too, can shape your own brain for greater happiness, love, and wisdom.

Written with neurologist Richard Mendius, M.D., and with a Foreword by Daniel Siegel, M.D. and a Preface by Jack Kornfield, Ph.D., Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom joins modern science with ancient teachings to show you how to have greater emotional balance in turbulent times, as well as healthier relationships, more effective actions, and greater peace of mind.

Well-referenced and grounded in science, the book is full of practical tools and skills that you can use in daily life to rewire your brain over time. The brain is the bodily organ that most affects who you are and your experience of living – so learning how to take good care of it, and strengthen and direct it in the ways that will help you the most, is a profound gift to yourself, and to everyone else whose life you touch.

You’ll learn how your brain creates worry or inner strength, heartache or love, anger or peacefulness, confusion or clarity, and suffering or its end – and how to:

  • Take in good experiences to feel happier and more confident – defeating the brain’s negativity bias, which is like Velcro for bad experiences but Teflon for positive ones
  • Train your brain to cool down stress, greed, and hatred – and come home to your natural core of calm and contentment
  • Energize the neural networks of compassion, empathy, and love – and clear out resentment, envy, and ill will
  • Improve attention for daily life, mindfulness, and meditation
  • Feel more at one with the world, and less separate and vulnerable
  • Get the nutrients your brain needs to maintain a good mood, relieve anxiety, sharpen memory, and strengthen concentration. If you can change your brain, you can change your life.

That’s the promise of Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom.

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One Minute for Good

Foundations of Mindfulness

You can train and strengthen your attention just like any other mental ability.

Changing Negative Thoughts

Compassion and Assertion

Compassion and assertion work together as the two wings that get any relationship off the ground and keep it flying.

Growing Good

Two Wolves in the Heart

In our hearts are two wolves: one of love and one of hate. Our happiness and well-being depends on which one we feed each day.

One Minute for Good

The Self-Transforming Brain

When your mind changes, your brain changes, too. As a result, even fleeting thoughts and feelings can leave lasting marks on your brain.

Changing Negative Thoughts

Taking in the Good

Your mind is built from the experiences you have. The flow of experience gradually sculpts your brain, thus shaping your mind.

Order Your Copy

Buddha’s Brain is available wherever books are sold in hardcover, paperback, audiobook (CD or download), and numerous eBook formats, including Kindle, iBook, Nook, and Google Play.



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Buddha’s Brain iPhone App

Based on the bestselling book, Buddha’s Brain, this app will show you how to rewire your brain over time, including how to:

  • Take in good experiences to feel happier and more confident
  • Cool down stress, anxiety, sorrow, frustration, and anger
  • Energize the neural networks of compassion, empathy, and love – and clear out resentment, envy, guilt, and loss
  • Improve attention for daily life, mindfulness, and meditation
  • Feel more at one with the world, and less separate and vulnerable

Your brain is the foundation of your well-being, relationships, and actions. If you can change your brain, you can change your life.