Train Your Brain: From Anger to Peace
Why is skillful interaction with our angry emotions so necessary? It’s because anger is both one of the most effective social tools for achieving short range results, and one of the most toxic emotions to ourselves and our family/social networks.

Your Wonderful Brain
Although your brain isn’t heavy – about three pounds of soft, gooshy tissue-like tapioca pudding – it has about 1.1 trillion cells altogether. It literally is the most complex object known in the universe.

A Caring, Joyful Heart
As you probably know, compassion and loving kindness are central elements of Buddhism. They arise naturally in response to one of those three fundamental characteristics of existence: interdependence/not-self/emptiness.
Train Your Brain: From Anxiety to Security
Some exercises that will help show you where in your own brain the emotions of anxiety and security live.
Turn Toward Suffering, from Frank Ostaseski
In Western culture, we are taught that if suffering exists, something is wrong. It is a mistake. I had a boss years ago who, when something didn’t work out, demanded, “Whose fault is this? Who is to blame?” When I would explain that sometimes things just don’t go...
Interview with Dr. Randy Kamen
Dr. Randy Kamen interviews Dr. Rick Hanson for the Finding Fulfillment and Joy in Midlife online summit. Learn how you can live a rich and meaningful life despite inevitable challenges that may arise as we grow older.
Train Your Brain: Letting Go
Use letting go whenever you relax, get stress relief, release painful feelings like worry or anger, take things less personally, or drop thoughts that make you and others unhappy.
Train Your Brain: Positive Emotions and Taking in the Good
For most people, the point of living boils down to one or more of these three things: Quality of life, Contribution and Learning. So if you have been wondering what you’re doing here on this earth, you might look to one or more of those categories!